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How To Do Affiliate Marketing Via Email List- [Exposé]

Affiliate Marketing Via Email List? If you remember your college Mathematics, $3,000 in 7 days is what…? So your answer is our target and goal. Stick around to discover how to make passive income from email list affiliate marketing!  


Affiliate Marketing: When you find a product/service you like, promote it to others to earn a percentage of the profit for each sale, which is what we call affiliate marketing.  

It is one, of the thousand and one, ways to make money online that is legitimate and passive- And that is the meaning of “Affiliate” you see in the heading of this post. It is the “make money while you sleep” model.  

Email Affiliate Marketing: To sum it up, when you make money from email campaigns that contain affiliate links, it is called email affiliate marketing.  

So Why Email Affiliate Marketing?

  1. A recent survey shows that 69% of subscribers who received promotional emails made affiliate purchases.
  2. There are 3x more email accounts than any social media platform, not Facebook (with 2.7 billion users), not Twitter; neither Facebook nor Twitter put together. Yes!
  3. Email Marketing has the highest ROI of any other marketing channel and best fit for a successful affiliate program.
  4. Email affiliate marketing has been proven one of the most successful marketing strategies for every online business.

So if you haven’t built an email list yet or don’t put much effort into doing it, you are probably missing a great opportunity, but don’t panic, we will explore every single drop of it here.

The best combination formula for success in making passive income from affiliate links sent to email lists.

. . . With Affiliate, you don’t need to have a product/service, but pretty sure of making thousands of dollars selling products/services owned by others.

While with email…? you have direct contact with potential customers who willingly offered you their email addresses because of what they stand to gain.

Combine them you have- easily promoting products/services to thousands of potential customers who are interested in your service and will willingly bask in your genuine (only genuine, else, you will find your way to their spam folder) recommendations.

What a perfect match(!).



HINT: To be successful in any business, first be patient enough to get the knowledge you need to, (POWER), then take action on any step portrayed here (SUCCESS), and boom…

DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. We may get a commission (money) when you make a purchase or signup for services with them, so go ahead and use them at no extra cost to YOU. Thanks!

To get started there are resources that are must-haves. To harness the effectiveness of email lists in affiliate marketing for driving sales, you will need a meeting ground, an online office, a brand: and I call it “a Blog”.

Email Affiliate Marketing, Step 1: Setup A Blog

The essence of your blog is to create a spot, that gathering place for all that may be interested.  

Then, you get a blog also to instill trust in your to-be customers, communicate with them, offer value through your post, and especially grow your email list the fastest way and to make passive income from email affiliate marketing the best way.  

This (your blog site) will be the landing ground and point of interaction (POI) between you and your site visitors who will later transform into subscribers and definitely, buyers.  

90% of your email subscribers will opt-in to your service on your blog. Sooner in this post, you will discover why a blog of your own is inevitable for success in the online world of email marketing business.  

But, a blog is hosted somewhere, is it not? So on the side of hosting companies, there are almost uncountable hosting sites/companies available now in the market, promising possibilities & impossibilities.  

To save you any hassle in the long run (when your blog will have become a full-blown 6 figure business).  

I have the best hosting recommendation, based on the review from customers who have actually tested and trusted This Host’s ultra-fast secure hosting.  

FastComet Hosting (The Best Hosting):

  • Free Domain For Life
  • Ultra-fast and hack-free hosting
  • Mobile friendly
  • 8 Data Centers
  • Fixed Hosting Prices
  • 24/7 (360 days) Support
  • Free Website Transfer
  • More . . .

. . .  Feel free to google their reviews it is awesome. Recommendations here are not commission-driven, FastComet may be the best of the year. Check it out here!

How To Setup FastComet [Step by Step]

Click here to head over to the FastComet signup page website

Choose A Plan

The Basic plan is just perfect for a blog.

The other plans come with extra features, make the choice if you can afford it. For the sake of this post, the basic plan is more than enough and can always be upgraded as the business scales.

Choose Your Site Domain Name

Nowadays it is really difficult if not impossible to find a single-word domain available. So don’t overthink this stage. You are here to learn the best affiliate business, model.

How to make a passive income from affiliate marketing. Your name or any memorable word or phrase can serve as your domain name.

Once your input is valid, there will be a congratulatory message telling you that the domain is available.

Now move on to the next step.  

Fill Out The Form

Type in your basic information, your name, and surname, email, address, country, state, city, zip code, phone, and password.

Choose the duration preferably 36 months. Check all the add-ons (search engine submission, search engine optimization, and google sitemap). It helps your blog SEO.

Fill in your billing address then hit the create account button to pay your bills. Congratulations, now you have a brand new blog.

Install WordPress

If you have been following up and taking action, surely you have a blog of your own. But it does not end there.

You will want to install WordPress, a (CMS) used by millions of blogs on the internet. Don’t worry about the installation of WordPress, scroll down to know what!  

Complete the Installation. Once you are done configuring all these options it is time for the installation process to begin. This will be easily achieved by simply clicking on the Install button located at the bottom of the page.

Accessing the WordPress Installation page in Softaculous. Before performing the actual installation you will need of course to access the Softaculous auto-installer which for your convenience is available under your cPanel>Softaculous.

Now —

FastComet Admin will do the WordPress installation for everyone here. See what to do next.   After completing the last step [Fill out The Form], click on confirm to go to the chat area.

You will put your name, email, and phone on the form provided. Then in your message.

Type Something Like “Hi! My name is (Your Name) I just signed up for FastComet hosting”.   Please, I need you to help me install WordPress and any free plugin/theme for a blog.

Then you will have to provide your blog domain. Seconds after, You will receive a message containing your cPanel login credentials and server information.

You’re all set!.

Create Your First Post

The content in your blog gives your readers/customers the confidence to give out private property such as their email addresses so guide this part jealously and with utmost care.

A consistent quality post could make the difference between success in affiliate marketing and failure. This step will need at least an entire post to get into the nitty-gritty of writing a perfect blog post.

Here will look at the pro-post-writing process to get you going right off the bat.

  • Come up with a topic that is within your niche
  • Create an outline of how your post will be
  • Research your topic very well
  • Use a great headline for your blog post
  • Write, Write, and Write
  • Use images effectively (Diagrams, Charts, Tables, Infographics, and Other Visuals to enhance your post absorption
  • Edit, edit once more, and edit again.
  • Publish – Bingo!!!

Affiliate Through Email Marketing, Step 2: Start Creating An Email List

Sometimes, we almost forget to talk about the basics. It is very easy to jump into email list development strategies without talking about where the lists will be kept safely, to maximize potential.

To create a list, first things first, we need an autoresponder.   That would be really more than intimidating a task if a CEO will have to send all the emails of the day individually to all staff for every urgent meeting.  

Many programmers would have given up the job if there were no such thing as “a loop”.  You as an affiliate marketer will also quit the business right away without looking at your back if you always had to send a message individually to a 10,000 email list.  

Even the fastest fingers and smartest minds will surely give up on the load.   So how do you actually do it?  

Email marketing is made possible by autoresponder systems making it easy to communicate to a million subscribers with just a few clicks.  

“An autoresponder is a service that allows you to automatically send out emails to a group or to several different groups of your mailing list subscribers based on rules and intervals that you defined.”  

The two best autoresponders I can recommend are MailChimp and Getresponse. Because I have actually tested their services.   MailChimp gives you a free-forever account with a few limitations. With this account, you can have a maximum of 2,000 audiences and can send a total of 12,000 emails per month, 2,000 emails per 24 hours.  

However, MailChimp paid plans to start at $15/m.   Getresponse (which I like most) gives you a 30-day free trial account with all the features of a paid account intact.

You can do everything a paid user will do but that will be until the end of your first 30 days of use.  

Then you will have to purchase a plan starting at $15/m.   They both are extremely good, but I can comfortably direct you to Getresponse, the bill is worth it.  

Merge Content Upgrades With CTA

“A content upgrade is simply a bonus content that people can get access to in exchange for their email address.

“Craft a compelling unique offer that shows value. This could be as simple as a 3-5 page PDF download, a blog post, a mini-course, or a catchy invitation to a webinar.  

Users will feel freer to give out their emails when they perceive value, a solution to a problem, or a good suggestion in a freebie you are offering.  

It makes users feel rewarded and also adds value to the brand & customer interaction.  

Take time to come up with a topic of high likeability within your niche and turn it into a giveaway. A freebie can be shared a thousand times with a thousand people, provided it is still solving problems.  

When the content upgrade is ready, marry it with a call to action (CTA) that users cannot help but click on, then you are sure to make passive income from every single email affiliate marketing campaign you forward to this list.  

Use Timed Pop-ups.

“Popup ads or popups are forms of online advertising on the World Wide Web”  

There are two types of pop-ups I like using. The first is the pop-up which will appear to users who scroll up to 50% of the post as it shows that they are really interested in the subject matter.  

The other is called the exit pop-up (which gets activated on the visitor’s exit move). This pop-up will show up when a user tries to leave the site.  

Note: Pop-ups are bothersome already, hence, just be real in your promise and you will grow a healthy email list.  

Employ Subscription Form Fields

“A subscription form is a set of fields users fill in to subscribe in order to receive a newsletter from a website/blog they are interested in.   “There are three specific areas to place a form field.

The head bar is at the beginning of the blog. A right-hand side of your posts and in the footer section. This way, you get at least 3 subscribers for every 10 visitors (of course not everybody will subscribe).

Setup Opt-in Squeeze Pages

A squeeze page is a form of the landing page but strictly on collecting email addresses.

A landing page may contain many pictures, CTAs, and form fields but a squeeze page is minimal, consisting of only a:

  • HEADLINE: The headline of the squeeze page,
  • OFFER: What you are offering to subscribers
  • FORM: A form field for user details and,
  • CTA: A  Call To Action (CTA).   Just as simple as that. So, see a squeeze page as a larger and better pop-up but prefer not to pop.

Top Tip: Always give away an awesome tip to skyrocket your list building.

Affiliate Marketing Through Email List, Step 3: The Best Email Affiliate Marketing Strategies

Starting from when you get your first email list opt-in, this is what you do:

Send Welcome Emails

It is not enough to send your subscribers to a “Thank You Page”. Shoot in the first email to their inbox right away.

This will increase your email deliverability rate while confirming a successful subscription to the audience as they expect your next mail.  

When you send your welcome email, Getresponse will identify any invalid email address and remove it right off the bat.

This will ensure that your list is not full of junk.  

Pay Attention To the Frequency

You will not want to send newsletters so frequently that it gets annoying. Once in a year or month will put you out of sight of subscribers- over-mailing or under-mailing is dangerous.   So find a balance.

1-2 actionable emails in a week are enough and proven to be working than a 5-email that may end up in the spam folder or make customers unsubscribe from your mailing list.

Tip: Emails sent in the evening time (4:00 pm – 5:00 pm) of weekdays tend to get the highest conversion rate.

Craft A Catchy Subject Line

Many people including you, will open 50% of the emails they receive in a week because of the subject.

Your subject should talk about the value of your mail and why the content is a must-read. What does your mail talk about importance, value, urgency, or what? Put it into the subject headline of your newsletter. Treat the mail subject as the most important part of your mail campaign.

Bang-up The Mail Body (The Meat)

Use emojis, images, appealing colors, and creative content to get your information across. Remember to avoid silly mistakes.  

Put your copywriting skills into your content and make sure you’re offering great products/services, then → a well-crafted 

A call-to-action designed to drive action can build all the passive income!  

Congratulations. You now have a blog (your business), a post, another, another, and another post(s). You now have also, well-to-do email list and have even sent your first email. Aye! Aye! Captain!  

Now you have all it takes, shoot in your next email, but now, with your affiliate links. Yes, don’t forget, it is called email affiliate marketing.   Get behind the wheel and hit the open road. See you at the top.  

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Got a thought, comment, correction, suggestion, or something about how to make passive income from email affiliate marketing, please drop it in the comment section, let’s do justice to it.  
