Hand Of Straights Leetcode Problem 846 [Python Solution]
Hand Of Straights, even though it does not sound like it, is a Leetcode problem and we’ll break down the problem, examine the constraints. Also, we will discuss a brute force approach, and then delve into an efficient Python solution. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to solve this problem and …
Guess Number Higher Or Lower Leetcode Problem 374 [Python Solution]
Have you ever played a guessing game as a child? Well, we’re about to apply a similar strategy to solve the Guess Number Higher Or Lower Leetcode problem. In this LeetCode challenge, we’re given a range from 1 to n, and our goal is to guess a number chosen by someone else. To help us …
Find K Closest Elements Leetcode Problem 658 [Python Solution]
If you’ve ever encountered a problem on LeetCode that requires finding the k closest elements to a target value in a sorted array, you’ll know it can be a bit tricky. In this blog guide, we’ll break down the Find K Closest Elements problem, explore different approaches, and provide a Python solution. We’ll also discuss …
Insert Delete Get Random O(1) Leetcode Problem 380 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we’re going all in to the LeetCode problem known as Insert Delete Get Random O(1) (Problem 380). This problem falls under the category of Arrays and Hashing and is considered to be of medium difficulty. The challenge revolves around designing a data structure that allows us to perform various operations efficiently: …
House Robber Leetcode Problem 198 [Python Solution]
House Robber Leetcode problem is a 1-D Dynamic Programming category problem and is considered of medium difficulty. We will walk through the problem, provide a detailed solution in Python, discuss its time and space complexity, and explain the reasoning behind our approach. Problem Overview You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a …
Happy Number Leetcode Problem 202 [Python Solution]
Let’s do some more Leetcode, continuing with the Happy Number Leetcode problem; discuss, explore, understand and provide you with an efficient Python solution. We’ll explore what makes a number “happy” and provide you with an efficient Python solution to determine if a number is indeed a happy number. So, whether you’re a beginner or an …
Implement Stack Using Queues Leetcode Problem 225 [Python Solution]
Let’s delve into the problem of implementing a stack using queues, Implement Stack Using Queues Leetcode Problem 225. It’s a great problem for beginners to familiarize themselves with stacks and queues, as well as the relationship between them. We’ll explore the concept of a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) stack and how to achieve this using queues. Problem …
Grid Game Leetcode Problem 2017 [Python Solution]
In this guide, we will break down and solve a medium-level challenge of the Arrays & Hashing family; Grid Game LeetCode problem. This problem is an intriguing game of strategy involving two robots on a 2D grid. The first robot aims to minimize the points the second robot can collect, while the second robot seeks …
IPO Leetcode Problem 502 [Python Solution]
IPO LeetCode problem is a Heap / Priority Queue category and classified “Hard” challenge. We’ll provide a detailed explanation of the problem Also, a Python solution, and a thorough analysis of time and space complexity. So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of coding and algorithmic problem-solving, let’s get started! Problem Overview The …
K Closest Points To Origin Leetcode Problem 973 [Python Solution]
How would you like to learning solving K Closest Points To Origin Leetcode problem with efficiency? This is a medium difficulty problem that falls under the category of Heap/Priority Queue. The problem requires finding the k closest points to the origin (0,0) on the X-Y plane from a given array of points. Problem Overview Let’s …
Longest Common Subsequence Leetcode Problem 1143 [Python Solution]
Do you want to know how to solve the Longest Common Subsequence Leetcode problem efficiently? I do too because it is such a classic dynamic programming challenge. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid Python solution to this problem. Let’s dive right in! Problem Overview Question: Given two strings, text1 and text2, …
Longest Increasing Subsequence Leetcode Problem 300 [Python Solution]
To solve the Longest Increasing Subsequence Leetcode problem today, we be understanding the problem and its constraints in-depth. Then, provide both a brute-force approach and an efficient dynamic programming solution in Python. Problem Overview The problem statement goes as follows: Given an integer array nums, you need to return the length of the longest strictly …
Longest Palindromic Subsequence Leetcode Problem 516 [Python Solution]
The Longest Palindromic Subsequence problem on LeetCode (Problem 516) challenges us to find the length of the longest palindromic subsequence within a given string s. But what exactly is a “palindromic subsequence”? A subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from another sequence by deleting some or no elements without changing the order of …
Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree Leetcode Problem 104 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will explore the Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree LeetCode problem and provide an efficient Python solution at the end. This problem falls under the “Trees” category and is categorized as “Easy.” The problem can be found on the LeetCode website at this link. Problem Overview The problem statement is quite …
Maximum Points On A Line Leetcode Problem 149 [Python Solution]
LeetCode problem Maximum Points On A Lineis of Math & Geometry and is considered a challenging task. We will discuss the problem overview, constraints, edge cases, and provide both a brute force and an efficient Python solution. Additionally, we will analyze the time and space complexity of the efficient solution and explain the reasoning behind …