Tag Archive For "meta"
Find Critical And Pseudo Critical Edges In Minimum Spanning Tree [Python]
Solving complex graph problems can be both challenging and rewarding. In this blog post, we will tackle the "Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree" problem, a challenging LeetCode problem in the category of Advanced Graphs. We'll provide you with a step-by-step solution in Python, explain the key concepts, and discuss the time …
Check If A String Contains All Binary Codes Of Size K [Python]
Welcome to another coding session! Today, we're going to tackle the LeetCode problem titled Check If A String Contains All Binary Codes Of Size K We'll provide you with a step-by-step Python solution for this problem. If you're a beginner or someone looking to enhance your algorithmic skills, you've come to the right place. Problem …
Shift 2D Grid Leetcode Problem 1260 [Python Solution]
If you're new to programming or just getting started with LeetCode, you might come across problems that seem a bit challenging at first glance. The key to tackling these problems is breaking them down step by step, understanding the problem statement, and then coming up with an efficient solution. In this blog post, we'll walk …
Search Insert Position Leetcode Problem 35 [Python Solution]
In the world of programming, there are problems that seem simple at first glance but reveal hidden complexity when examined more closely. The Search Insert Position problem is one such challenge. In this blog post, we’ll explore the problem, break it down step by step, and present an efficient Python solution. Whether you’re a seasoned …
Rotate List Leetcode Problem 61 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we're going to tackle the Rotate List problem on LeetCode. This problem falls under the "Medium" difficulty category and is classified in the "Linked List" category. We'll provide you with a detailed Python solution to this problem. Let's get started! Problem Overview The problem statement is quite straightforward. You are given …
Palindrome Number Leetcode Problem 9 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another exciting coding adventure! Today, we're going to tackle the Palindrome Number problem, which is Problem 9 on LeetCode. In this problem, we're given an integer x, and our mission is to determine whether it's a palindrome or not. But here's the twist: we need to do it without converting the integer to …
Open The Lock Leetcode Problem 752 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another coding session! Today, we are going to tackle the Open The Lock problem, which is a fascinating puzzle. This problem falls under the category of graphs and is categorized as a medium difficulty problem on LeetCode. We will provide a Python solution to this problem. But before we dive into the code, …
Online Stock Span Leetcode Problem 901 [Python Solution]
The span for our current price so we’ll add the current price along with its computed span to our stack. This represents the current price and the maximum number of consecutive days, including today, where the stock price was less than or equal to the price of today. Question Design an algorithm that collects daily …
N Queens II Leetcode Problem 52 [Python Solution]
Problem Overview The N Queens II problem is a classic combinatorial puzzle that falls under the category of backtracking problems. The objective is to place N queens on an N x N chessboard in such a way that no two queens can attack each other. Given an integer N, the goal is to determine the …
Merge Sorted Array Leetcode Problem 88 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will explore the LeetCode problem #88, Merge Sorted Array This problem falls under the category of "Two Pointers" and is considered to be an "Easy" difficulty level. We will provide a Python solution that efficiently merges two sorted arrays and explain the reasoning behind our approach. By the end of …
Majority Element Leetcode Problem 169 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will tackle the Majority Element problem from LeetCode. This problem falls under the "Arrays & Hashing" category and is considered an easy one. We'll provide you with a Python solution that not only solves the problem but does so efficiently. Problem Overview The problem statement is as follows: Given an …
Last Stone Weight II Leetcode Problem 1049 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we'll delve into the LeetCode problem Last Stone Weight II (Problem #1049). We'll explore the problem statement, understand the constraints, and then take a deep dive into the efficient Python solution to solve it. Problem Overview Question: You are given an array of integers stones, where stones[i] represents the weight of …
Isomorphic Strings Leetcode Problem 205 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we're going to tackle the Isomorphic Strings problem, a LeetCode question with a difficulty level marked as "Easy." This problem falls under the category of Arrays & Hashing and has been associated with companies like Meta. If you want to dive deeper into this problem, you can find the question on …
Island Perimeter Leetcode Problem 463 [Python Solution]
Island Perimeter is an interesting problem that falls under the category of graph-related challenges on LeetCode. It's considered an easy problem, but it offers a great opportunity to delve into the depths of graph algorithms. In this blog post, we'll explore the problem, discuss various approaches to solve it, provide Python code solutions, analyze time …
Design Browser History Leetcode Problem 1472 [Python Solution]
In today's exploration of LeetCode problems, we're going to dive into the Design Browser History problem. This problem falls under the category of Linked Lists and is considered of medium difficulty. The task involves simulating the behavior of navigating through browser pages. You'll start on a homepage and have the ability to visit other URLs, …