Tag Archive For "interview question"
Remove Element Leetcode Problem 27 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we're going to tackle the LeetCode problem 27, Remove Element This problem falls under the category of Arrays & Hashing and is rated as "Easy." We will provide a Python solution to solve this problem efficiently. Problem Overview The problem statement is as follows: Given an integer array nums and an …
Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array II Leetcode Problem 80 [Python]
Welcome to another exciting coding session! In this blog post, we'll tackle the Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array II problem from LeetCode. This problem falls under the category of Two Pointers and is classified as a medium difficulty challenge. It's a great opportunity to sharpen your problem-solving skills and explore an efficient Python solution. Let's …
Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String II Leetcode 1209 [Python]
In this blog post, we’re going to tackle the Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String II problem from LeetCode. In simple terms, if you encounter k consecutive characters in s, remove them! This is a medium difficulty problem in the category of Stack, and it’s one of those problems that require an efficient approach. We’ll …
Reconstruct Itinerary Leetcode Problem 332 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another coding adventure! In this blog post, we'll tackle a challenging problem called "Reconstruct Itinerary," a problem from LeetCode. We will provide a Python solution that efficiently reconstructs an itinerary given a list of airline tickets. Problem Overview Imagine you are given a list of airline tickets, where each ticket represents a flight …
Path With Maximum Probability Leetcode Problem 1514 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will explore the LeetCode problem "Path with Maximum Probability," which falls under the category of Advanced Graphs. We'll provide a Python solution to this problem, explaining both the brute force approach and an efficient approach using Dijkstra's algorithm. Before we dive into the solutions, let's first understand the problem statement. …
Partition To K Equal Sum Subsets Leetcode Problem 698 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another coding session! Today, we're going to tackle the LeetCode problem known as Partition To K Equal Sum Subsets This problem falls under the category of backtracking and can be quite challenging. Our goal is to determine whether it's possible to divide an integer array into k non-empty subsets, each with the same …
Partition List Leetcode Problem 86 [Python Solution]
Welcome back, coding enthusiasts! In this blog post, we're going to tackle a LeetCode problem called Partition List This problem falls under the category of Linked Lists and is categorized as a medium difficulty challenge. The problem involves partitioning a linked list based on a given value, while preserving the original order of the nodes. …
Partition Labels Leetcode Problem 763 [Python Solution]
Welcome back! Today, we're going to tackle an interesting and somewhat unique problem: Partition Labels. This problem can be found on LeetCode, under problem number 763. It falls under the category of Greedy problems and is often associated with companies like Facebook. Problem Overview Question: You are given a string s. Your task is to …
Partition Equal Subset Sum Leetcode Problem 416 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another coding session! Today, we'll tackle the Partition Equal Subset Sum problem, also known as LeetCode Problem 416. This problem falls under the category of 1-D Dynamic Programming and is of medium difficulty. It's a great opportunity to hone your coding skills. So, let's dive in! Problem Overview The problem statement is as …
Palindrome Partitioning Leetcode Problem 131 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another coding session! Today, we're going to tackle the Palindrome Partitioning problem from LeetCode. This problem falls under the category of backtracking and can be quite intriguing. The task at hand is to take a given string, s, and partition it in such a way that every substring within the partition is a …
Palindrome Number Leetcode Problem 9 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another exciting coding adventure! Today, we're going to tackle the Palindrome Number problem, which is Problem 9 on LeetCode. In this problem, we're given an integer x, and our mission is to determine whether it's a palindrome or not. But here's the twist: we need to do it without converting the integer to …
Palindrome Linked List Leetcode Problem 234 [Python Solution]
In this post, we're going to tackle the LeetCode problem 234 – Palindrome Linked List This is an "Easy" level problem that falls under the "Linked List" category and is often used as an interview question by companies like Google. We will provide a Python solution to this problem, along with a detailed explanation of …
Pacific Atlantic Water Flow Leetcode Problem 417 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another Python coding challenge! In this blog post, we will be solving the Pacific Atlantic Water Flow problem, which is LeetCode problem 417. This problem falls under the category of graphs and is of medium difficulty. The goal is to determine which cells on a rectangular island can send rainwater to both the …
Open The Lock Leetcode Problem 752 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another coding session! Today, we are going to tackle the Open The Lock problem, which is a fascinating puzzle. This problem falls under the category of graphs and is categorized as a medium difficulty problem on LeetCode. We will provide a Python solution to this problem. But before we dive into the code, …
Online Stock Span Leetcode Problem 901 [Python Solution]
The span for our current price so we’ll add the current price along with its computed span to our stack. This represents the current price and the maximum number of consecutive days, including today, where the stock price was less than or equal to the price of today. Question Design an algorithm that collects daily …