Tag Archive For "arrays & hashing"
Design Hashmap Leetcode Problem 706 [Python Solution]
Design Hashmap Leetcode problem is an Arrays & Hashing challenge with “Easy” difficulty. It’s a great introductory problem to hash maps and will help you understand the fundamental operations of a hashmap: put, get, and remove. Let’s dive right in and break down the problem step by step. Problem Overview Problem Statement: Design a HashMap …
Range Sum Query 2D Immutable Leetcode Problem 304 [Python Solution]
Here’s to another coding adventure on Range Sum Query 2D Immutable Leetcode Problem! Everything you need to know.
Push Dominoes Leetcode Problem 838 [Python Solution]
In this article, we’re going to tackle the Push Dominoes Leetcode problem, which falls under the category of Arrays & Hashing.
First Missing Positive Leetcode Problem 41 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we’re going to tackle the First Missing Positive problem, which is categorized as a hard problem on LeetCode.
Subarray Sum Equals K Leetcode Problem 560 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another coding challenge! In this blog post, we’re going to tackle the Subarray Sum Equals K problem.
Wiggle Sort Leetcode Problem 280 [Python Solution]
With Wiggle Sort, given an unsorted array of numbers, you need to reorder it in-place so that a set of predefined condition holds.
Word Pattern Leetcode Problem 290 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we’ll tackle the Word Pattern LeetCode problem (Problem 290) under the category of Arrays & Hashing. The objective is to determine whether a given pattern matches a provided string. Matching, in this context, means establishing a bijection between the characters in the pattern and the non-empty words in the string. Example …
Longest Consecutive Sequence LeetCode 128 [Python Solution]
The Longest Consecutive Sequence LeetCode problem is a classic, often asked by top tech companies during interviews, including Google.
Encode and Decode Strings LeetCode Problem 271 [Python Solution]
Encode and Decode Strings LeetCode Problem’s task is to design an algorithm that can encode a list of strings into a single string
Product of Array Except Self LeetCode #238 [Solved in Python]
Product of Array Except Self LeetCode problem’s task is to return an answer array where answer[i] is the product of all elements except itself.
Top K Frequent Elements LeetCode Problem 347 [Python Solution]
The Top K Frequent Elements LeetCode solution finds the k most frequent elements in an array with multiple approaches in Python
Valid Anagram LeetCode Problem 242 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we’ll solve Valid Anagram LeetCode Problem which goal is to determine if two given strings, s and t, are anagrams of each other.
Valid Sudoku LeetCode Problem 36 [Python Solution]
The Valid Sudoku LeetCode problem asks us to determine if a given 9×9 Sudoku board is valid according to the rules of Sudoku.
Contains Duplicate LeetCode Problem 217 [Python Solution]
Given an integer array nums, return true if any value appears at least twice in the array, and return false if every element is distinct.
Group Anagrams LeetCode Problem 49 [Python Solution]
Welcome back! Today, we’re diving into a classic coding problem: the Group Anagrams LeetCode problem. Anagrams are words or phrases formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once. Our task is to take an array of strings and group the anagrams together. Question Given an array …