Tag Archive For "Amazon"
Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree Leetcode Problem 104 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will explore the Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree LeetCode problem and provide an efficient Python solution at the end. This problem falls under the “Trees” category and is categorized as “Easy.” The problem can be found on the LeetCode website at this link. Problem Overview The problem statement is quite …
Reverse Bits Leetcode Problem 190 [Python Solution]
Are you ready to delve into another exciting LeetCode problem? If you’re here, you’re most likely on a quest to master bit manipulation with Leetcode Problem 190. The problem we’re tackling today is “Reverse Bits,” and it’s part of the Blind 75 list, a curated collection of common LeetCode problems. Problem Overview The problem is …
Arranging Coins Leetcode Problem 441 [Python Solution]
Today, we’re going to tackle the LeetCode problem Arranging Coins Don’t be fooled by the “Easy” label. This problem offers a great opportunity to dive into a variety of solutions, some of which are quite challenging. We’ll be exploring an efficient binary search solution that operates in O(log N) time complexity. So, let’s get started. …
Combination Sum II Leetcode Problem 40 [Python Solution]
The Combination Sum II LeetCode problem is a classic backtracking problem, specifically categorized under “Backtracking” with medium-difficulty. It can be found under problem number 40. This problem is often associated with companies like Amazon. Problem Statement:Given a collection of candidate numbers (candidates) and a target number (target), the task is to find all unique combinations …
Copy List With Random Pointer Leetcode Problem 138 [Python Solution]
In this tutorial, we discuss and solve a linked list challenge, Copy List With Random Pointer LeetCode problem. This problem falls under the category of Linked List and is rated as a medium difficulty problem. It’s a great exercise to improve your understanding of data structures and algorithmic thinking. Problem Overview Imagine you have a …
Counting Bits Leetcode Problem 338 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another coding adventure! In this post tutorial, we’ll be Counting Bits LeetCode problem, which is categorized as an easy bit manipulation problem. That didn’t sound very right, but had to get it in there. The problem statement goes like this: given an integer n, we need to return an array, ans, of length …
Delete And Earn Leetcode Problem 740 [Python Solution]
It’s time to maximize, Delete And Earn LeetCode problem needs we return the maximum number of points you can earn by applying an operation some number of times. This problem falls under the category of 1-D Dynamic Programming and is categorized as a medium difficulty problem. We’ll walk you through the problem, provide an efficient Python solution, explain …
Count Vowels Permutation Leetcode Problem 1220 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will tackle the Count Vowels Permutation problem, a challenging LeetCode problem categorized under 2-D Dynamic Programming. We’ll provide a detailed explanation of the problem, discuss constraints, explore a brute-force approach with Python code, and finally, present an efficient approach along with reasoning. Let’s dive in! Problem Overview Question: Given an …
Course Schedule IV Leetcode Problem 1462 [Python Solution]
In the world of coding, solving graph problems can be a challenging but rewarding experience; Course Schedule IV Leetcode Problem now!
Decode String Leetcode Problem 394 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will explore the Decode String Leetcode problem, falling under the category of Stack.
Range Sum Query – Immutable Leetcode Problem 303 [Python Solution]
In this post, we’ll tackle the “Range Sum Query – Immutable” Leetcode problem, a classic question for coding interviews.
Range Sum Query 2D Immutable Leetcode Problem 304 [Python Solution]
Here’s to another coding adventure on Range Sum Query 2D Immutable Leetcode Problem! Everything you need to know.
Maximum Subarray Leetcode Problem 53 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another LeetCode problem-solving guide! In this article, we’ll tackle the Maximum Subarray problem, which is Problem 53 on LeetCode.
Merge Triplets To Form Target Triplet Leetcode Problem 1899 [Python]
Now, we’re going to tackle a problem from LeetCode’s once latest contest: Merge Triplets To Form Target Triplet.
Maximum Product Subarray Leetcode Problem 152 [Python Solution]
In this guide, we will delve into the problem of finding the maximum product subarray using Python. This LeetCode problem, numbered 152, falls under the category of 1-D Dynamic Programming and is particularly relevant to companies like Amazon. We will explore the problem statement, constraints, and different approaches to solving it. Problem Overview The problem …