Tag Archive For "Amazon"
Delete Node In A BST Leetcode Problem 450 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we'll dive into the "Delete Node in a Binary Search Tree" problem, a medium difficulty problem in the Trees category on LeetCode. This problem requires us to delete a node with a given key in a Binary Search Tree (BST) and return the updated root of the tree. We'll explore the …
Construct String From Binary Tree Leetcode Problem 606 [Python]
In this blog post, we will tackle the LeetCode problem titled Construct String From Binary Tree This problem falls under the category of trees and is rated as "Easy." We will provide a Python solution to this problem, along with a detailed explanation of the algorithm, time and space complexity analysis, and considerations for edge …
Combination Sum Leetcode Problem 39 [Python Solution]
In the realm of LeetCode challenges, the Combination Sum problem, tagged under category "Backtracking," poses an intriguing puzzle. This problem is a part of the Blind 75 list, a curated set of LeetCode problems designed to enhance your problem-solving skills. So, let's dive into solving the Combination Sum problem! Problem Overview Question: Given an array …
Climbing Stairs Leetcode Problem 70 [Python Solution]
Welcome back to another coding adventure! Today, we're going to tackle the Climbing Stairs problem, which is a classic example of a 1-D Dynamic Programming challenge. It's rated as an "Easy" problem on LeetCode, making it an ideal starting point for beginners to dive into dynamic programming. So, let's break down the problem, understand its …
Boats To Save People Leetcode Problem 881 [Python Solution]
If you're looking to tackle the Boats To Save People problem on LeetCode, you've come to the right place. This blog post will guide you through the problem, providing a step-by-step solution in Python. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of how to approach and solve this problem efficiently. Problem Overview Problem Statement: …
Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Leetcode Problem 145 [Python]
In the world of data structures and algorithms, binary trees are a fundamental concept. These hierarchical structures play a crucial role in various computer science problems and are commonly encountered in coding interviews. In this blog post, we'll delve into the Binary Tree Postorder Traversal problem, which is categorized as an "Easy" problem on LeetCode …
Baseball Game Leetcode Problem 682 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another coding adventure! Today, we’re going to tackle the Baseball Game problem from LeetCode. This problem has an “easy” difficulty level and falls under the category of Stack. It’s a fun little challenge that may not have much to do with baseball, but it will surely exercise your coding skills. Question: You are …
Balanced Binary Tree Leetcode Problem 110 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will dive into the LeetCode problem titled Balanced Binary Tree This is an easy-level problem that falls under the category of trees and is often encountered in technical interviews, especially at companies like Amazon. We will provide a detailed Python solution, along with explanations, for this problem. Problem Overview The …
Add Two Numbers Leetcode Problem 2 [Python Solution]
Problem Overview The LeetCode problem Add Two Numbers is a medium difficulty problem in the category of Linked Lists. It's a common problem that tests your understanding of linked lists and basic arithmetic operations. The task is to add two non-empty linked lists, representing two non-negative integers. The digits are stored in reverse order, and …
Add Binary Leetcode Problem 67 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will discuss the LeetCode problem Add Binary. This is an easy-level problem that falls under the category of Bit Manipulation. The goal is to add two binary strings, a and b, and return their sum as a binary string. Problem Overview Given two binary strings, a and b, our task …
Sort An Array Leetcode Problem 912 [Python Solution]
In this guide, we will solve the Sort An Array problem, which is LeetCode Problem 912. We’ll provide a Python solution for this problem while adhering to specific constraints. Problem Name: Sort an ArrayDifficulty: MediumCategory: Arrays & HashingCompanies: Amazon Question Link: Sort an Array on LeetCode The goal is to sort an array of integers …
Subtree Of Another Tree Leetcode Problem 572 [Python Solution]
Subtree Of Another Tree problem falls under the category of tree-related questions and is classified as an “Easy” problem on Leetcode. It’s worth noting that this problem has been encountered in technical interviews by companies such as Amazon, making it a valuable addition to your problem-solving repertoire. Problem Overview The problem is as follows: given …
Trim A Binary Search Tree Leetcode Problem 669 [Python Solution]
In this blog guide, we’ll delve into the LeetCode problem titled Trim A Binary Search Tree It’s a medium-level problem in the Trees category and is often associated with companies like Amazon. We’ll explore the problem, understand its constraints, and walk through the solution step by step, using Python. By the end, you’ll have a …
Find K Closest Elements Leetcode Problem 658 [Python Solution]
If you’ve ever encountered a problem on LeetCode that requires finding the k closest elements to a target value in a sorted array, you’ll know it can be a bit tricky. In this blog guide, we’ll break down the Find K Closest Elements problem, explore different approaches, and provide a Python solution. We’ll also discuss …
Insert Delete Get Random O(1) Leetcode Problem 380 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we’re going all in to the LeetCode problem known as Insert Delete Get Random O(1) (Problem 380). This problem falls under the category of Arrays and Hashing and is considered to be of medium difficulty. The challenge revolves around designing a data structure that allows us to perform various operations efficiently: …