Tag Archive For "Amazon"
Matchsticks To Square Leetcode Problem 473 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will delve into solving the Matchsticks To Square problem, which is LeetCode problem 473. This problem falls under the category of backtracking and has been rated as medium difficulty. The objective is to determine if it's possible to use a given set of matchsticks to construct a perfect square. Each …
Longest Turbulent Array Leetcode Problem 978 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will tackle the LeetCode problem 978, "Longest Turbulent Subarray." This problem falls under the category of "Greedy" and is classified as a medium-level difficulty question. We'll walk you through the problem, its constraints, and provide a Python solution to solve it efficiently. Problem Overview The problem statement is as follows: …
Longest Common Prefix Leetcode Problem 14 [Python Solution]
When it comes to solving coding problems, understanding the problem statement and finding an efficient solution is crucial. In this guide, we'll tackle the Longest Common Prefix problem, a common question in coding interviews. We'll provide a Python solution that is both easy to understand and efficient. So, let's dive in! Problem Overview The problem …
Linked List Cycle Leetcode Problem 141 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will tackle the Linked List Cycle problem, which is a part of LeetCode's Blind 75 List. This problem falls under the category of Linked List and is considered easy in terms of difficulty. We will explore an efficient Python solution for this problem. Problem Overview The problem statement is as …
Letter Combinations Of A Phone Number Leetcode Problem 17 [Python]
Welcome back, everyone! Today, we're going to tackle the Letter Combinations Of A Phone Number problem. This is a LeetCode problem with the ID 17, categorized under "Backtracking." It's an interesting problem that involves mapping digits to letters, just like we used to do on old mobile phones. Let's dive in and explore how to …
Length Of Last Word Leetcode Problem 58 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another coding adventure! Today, we'll tackle a relatively easy problem: Length Of Last Word If you're a beginner, this is a great challenge to enhance your coding skills. Try solving it on your own, and then compare your solution with the one we'll explore together. Problem Overview The problem is simple yet essential. …
Largest Number Leetcode Problem 179 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another coding session! Today, we're going to tackle the Largest Number problem. In this LeetCode challenge, we are presented with a list of non-negative integers and our goal is to arrange them in such a way that they form the largest number. The catch is that the result might be too large for …
Kth Smallest Element In A BST Leetcode Problem 230 [Python Solution]
If you're here, you're probably looking for a solution to the Kth Smallest Element in a Binary Search Tree problem on LeetCode. Well, you've come to the right place! In this blog post, we'll walk you through the problem, discuss the constraints, explore different approaches, and provide a Python solution to help you ace this …
Kth Largest Element In A Stream Leetcode Problem 703 [Python Solution]
In this guide, we'll dive into solving the LeetCode problem Kth Largest Element In A Stream (Problem 703) with a Python solution. This problem falls under the category of heap/priority queue and is marked as "Easy." However, you might find it a bit more challenging, but fear not; we'll walk through it step by step. …
Is Subsequence Leetcode Problem 392 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will explore the LeetCode problem Is Subsequence This is an easy problem that falls under the category of Arrays & Hashing and is frequently encountered in coding interviews, especially in the context of dynamic programming. We'll provide a step-by-step explanation of the problem, discuss the constraints, and walk you through …
Intersection Of Two Linked Lists Leetcode Problem 160 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we'll delve into solving the Intersection Of Two Linked Lists problem, which is a classic challenge on LeetCode. We will provide an efficient Python solution that doesn't require extra memory and retains the original structure of the linked lists. Let's start by understanding the problem, exploring its constraints, and then unveiling …
Integer To Roman Leetcode Problem 12 [Python Solution]
Welcome to another exciting LeetCode problem-solving session! In this blog post, we're going to tackle the Integer To Roman problem, which is Problem 12 on LeetCode. This problem falls under the category of Math & Geometry and is of medium difficulty. Before we dive into the solution, let's understand the problem statement. Problem Overview Roman …
Find The Duplicate Number Leetcode Problem 287 [Python Solution]
In this blog post, we will discuss the LeetCode problem "Find the Duplicate Number," which falls under the "Linked List" category and is rated as a medium difficulty problem. The problem is particularly interesting as it challenges us to find a duplicate number in an array of integers, given certain constraints. Problem Overview The problem …
Find All Anagrams In A String Leetcode Problem 438 [Python Solution]
Are you ready to tackle a coding challenge? Today, we're going to dive into the Find All Anagrams In A String problem, a LeetCode challenge. This problem falls under the category of Arrays & Hashing and is categorized as a medium difficulty problem. It's an interesting problem that can be solved efficiently using Python. Problem …
Design Linked List Leetcode Problem 707 [Python Solution]
In the world of data structures and algorithms, linked lists are a fundamental concept. Linked lists are linear data structures where elements are connected via pointers. In this blog post, we'll tackle the Design Linked List problem from LeetCode, specifically problem 707. We'll provide a Python solution that covers the essential aspects of designing a …