Pinterest For Traffic -Ultimate For Beginner Bloggers
I don’t know for you, but the very days of my little beginning had me understand the similarity between more traffic and more money.
Till this moment, one of the best things that can happen to my blog is to keep you coming for more- that’s traffic.
It is the best thing that can happen to your blog too and I’m going to introduce you to PINTEREST, the beginner friendly source of traffic that I used in my novice days of blogging and still using till tomorrow.
After reading this post, you’ll be getting at least 500+ views/visits and will be skyrocketing from there.
And there’s why Pinterest is a great source of traffic.
Why Pinterest
- With Pinterest traffic, you may be getting your first Affiliate sales. YES!
- Pinterest has a track record of being the major source of traffic for quite a number of blogs and especially new blogs.
- Traffic from pinterest is sound and conversion ready.
- As a platform with hundreds of daily users, even a single percentage of their traffic will surely rewire the past statistics of your Google AdSense.
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- You don’t need to run ads to drive a significant traffic.
- Simply automated, setup-and-forget pins that will drive traffic forever.
- It’s flat-out free.
Now, How Can You Start Pinteresting Now!
How To Drive Traffic From Pinterest
- Create a free personal or business account.
- Create your board.
- Start designing pins.
- Publish your pins.
- Boost your traffic (Traffic Magic).
Create Your Account
The first thing you’ll want to do in order to start utilizing pinterest as a traffic generation tool is to actually signup for a pinterest account, personal or business.
When you have an account (which is completely free of charge forever), then you’ll have full access to all the tools and features that will really truly do the magic for you.
To create a pinterest account is as simple as going over to and filling up a basic form with your personal details. It’ll probably take you 60 seconds or less.
Now you have a pinterest account right? Viola. So….
Create A Board
Just in case, the name pinterest means pining (“pin“) your interest (‘terest). And in order to pin down your interests for others to engage with, you’ll need a pinterest board.
A pinterest board is simply like, say, a chess game board where you can arrange your pieces.
So in the case of pinterest, the board is where you collect, pin, save and arrange your pins so that other people can easily browse your board to discover your pins and ideas and ultimately turn into visitors, that website traffic we desire most.
To create a pinterest board, on your pinterest profile, find and click on the plus sign (+) in the top right-hand corner of your pinterest profile homepage and give your board a name of your choice and other required details (category of your board, who can pin etc) and hit the create board.
Guest what, you now have a board! How cool is that?
Designing And Publishing Your Pins
Pinterest gets more than 300million visitors, and our target for using this platform is to share from their wealth of traffic to your own blog/website.
The way we go about that is by pining to our board (Remember we have a board now, a place that can hold our pins).
Next is to actually pop our pins right in there for the world to see.
Now, as a blogger, what you’ll be pining are your blog posts and affiliate links, and everything of interest to your audience.
And in order to post, we will first have to design them into a pin which is actually an infographic or a graphic design with a link to a particular blog post or page on your website.
You can go about this by creating one on your own, or actually using a software online for a fee or completely outsource to a professional.
Any which way, getting the job done is the target. Once you have your pins, login to pinterest and pin your designs.
Tada!!! You did it.
Boost Your Traffic
The major part has be done. Right! Yea, because before something needs a boost, that means something is already happening, just needing some kind of leverage.
Boosting your traffic just has to do with taking your pinterest pins to all fronts, harnessing the full power of the world wide web.
That entails sharing on all social media platforms, promote on quora, email and pretty much every where.
Get it? Bamm!
Let me know your thoughts.